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Alli Pareti

Alli’s understanding of yoga continues to unfold and evolve with each moment of loving presence.  A student of movement her whole life, Alli stepped deeper onto a committed path nearly ten years ago, completing her 200hr teacher training through Flow Yoga with Steph Adams and Adi Vajra. She is trained in guiding sustainable and functional asana, yoga nidra meditation, aerial yoga, and barre. Alli encourages a lighthearted approach that inspires students of all ages to meet their bodies where they are at, while staying oriented towards the unique magic that is found when we are sincere, willing and devoted.

My Schedule
27 Saturday
Nothing yet
28 Sunday
Nothing yet
29 Monday
Nothing yet
30 Tuesday
Nothing yet
31 Wednesday
Nothing yet
1 Thursday
Nothing yet
2 Friday
Nothing yet