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Sarah McDonnell

Sarah has been a student of yoga for over 20 years. After arriving in Hood River in 2015, Sarah found Flow Yoga and since then has been a student of Adi Vajra and Stephanie Adams. Sarah studies and practices Sri Vidya with her teacher, Kavitha Chinnaiyan. She completed her RYT 200 in November of 2022, and is excited to pursue her RYT 500 through Jaya Yoga School. Sarah leads a heart centered practice with an emphasis on presence and physical asana which is focused on strength and mobility (plan to sweat!). Sarah has experienced and deeply believes in the personal and spiritual transformation which occurs on our mats (then off our mats), utilizing the breath, one pointedness, mindful movement, and staying, even when it’s hard.  She looks forward to sharing space with you and hopes that you will show up just as you are.

My Schedule
27 Saturday
Nothing yet
28 Sunday
Nothing yet
29 Monday
Nothing yet
30 Tuesday
Nothing yet
31 Wednesday
Nothing yet
1 Thursday
Nothing yet
2 Friday
Nothing yet