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Lizzy Crowne

Lizzy is a Hood River transplant, having moved from Austin, TX and grown up on the East Coast. Lizzy has practiced yoga on and off since high school, but found a deeper sense of grounding and connection to her practice while navigating the pandemic and graduate school.

As a trauma therapist, yoga has been a beautiful complement to how she works somatically with clients. Mutually, Lizzy’s professional experience informs how she shows up as a teacher who values inclusivity, accessibility, autonomy, and empowerment in her yoga classes.

Finding balance with work, Lizzy loves to be in/near water, frolic around the PNW with her rescue dogs, make stained glass art, cook, and listen to early 2000s punk pop music. 

My Schedule
15 Wednesday
Nothing yet
16 Thursday
Nothing yet
17 Friday
Nothing yet
18 Saturday
Nothing yet
19 Sunday
Nothing yet
20 Monday
Nothing yet
21 Tuesday
Nothing yet